Notification of Criminal Incident – Seattle Campus
May 19, 2022
Assault/stabbing, University District
This message is being communicated to all faculty, staff and Seattle campus students with the approval of the UW Police Department. This message is sent in the interest of public safety and in compliance with federal law requiring timely warning notification of crimes committed on or near campus. This is not a UW Alert message. For information regarding UW Alert and to sign up to receive UW Alert notifications, visit the UW Alert website.
Seattle Police are investigating an assault that occurred on May 19, 2022, at approximately 4 p.m. at Montlake Blvd. NE and NE Pacific St. The victim and suspect engaged in an argument on a bus coming from Bellevue, which escalated to the point of the bus driver having to tell them to quiet down. As they exited the bus at Montlake Blvd., the suspect approached the victim on the sidewalk near the bus stop, then pepper sprayed and stabbed the victim in the left hand with a knife. The suspect then fled the scene in an unknown direction on foot.
The victim was treated at UW Medical Center – Montlake and was released shortly after treatment.
The suspect in this incident is described as a short man wearing a construction vest.
If you witnessed this incident or have additional information about this crime or suspect, please call the Seattle Police Department at 206-625-5011. The case report number is 22-126140. To report a crime in progress, or other suspicious activities or persons, call 911.
Crime prevention tips for similar incidents:
• Be cognizant of your surroundings at all times.
• Call 911 immediately in an emergency.
• Avoid confrontations whenever possible.
• Remove yourself from potentially dangerous situations as soon as possible.
If you suspect criminal activity, some helpful information to pass on to the police:
• Clothing descriptors: Look for layers under the visible layer and other distinctive identifiers
• Physical characteristics: Describe height, weight, eyes, hair, mannerisms, scars/tattoos.
• Direction of travel (by foot or automobile): Describe the last known location of the suspect.
• Suspect vehicle description: color, year, model, make and license plate.
• Any weapons involved.
Contact the University of Washington Police Department’s Community Engagement Unit at 206-685-1916 for additional crime prevention information.